From the course: MongoDB Cloud Essential Training

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Installing the Realm SDK

Installing the Realm SDK

- [Instructor] So far in this course, we have set up a new Realm application for the sake of this course. This new Realm application represented a WaZoBia application instance on the MongoDB Atlas platform. In order to be able to query this data from our web application, we need to use the MongoDB Real Web SDK. MongoDB Realm has multiple SDKs for different environments. We have SDKs for Android, iOS, .NET, Node.js, and the web. The web is the one we're going to be using for the sake of this course, because we are working with a web application. Now, some of you might have a question, why do we need the MongoDB Realm Web SDK to work with our application? Well, think of the MongoDB Realm Web SDK as sort of like a client for us, we can query that client, and via that client we can securely interact with our database. This means that users using the application will not be able to hack it, and you're also not going to…
