From the course: MongoDB Cloud Essential Training

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Implementing data schemas

Implementing data schemas

- One feature we haven't used yet is the MongoDB Schema. We've talked about it briefly, but we've not implemented it in reality. Let's go ahead and change this. So we're just going to do a very simple schema here, and just going to see how schemas work. And one thing with schemas is you can actually generate a schema. You can click 'Generate Schema'. And what would happen is MongoDB will go into your collection and, generate a schema based on the documents it finds. So we can sample 500 documents or something like this, and you can just click 'Generate Schema. Then you can see that MongoDB has gone in there, and it's found a bunch of properties, ID, comment, co-mentor and site ID. And you going to see that these are properties that we created. Now on the school ID is reserved, so we didn't really create that 'cause MongoDB does that automatically. So let's go ahead and change something quickly. Let's try to put a…
