From the course: MongoDB Cloud Essential Training

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Implementing anonymous user authentication

Implementing anonymous user authentication - MongoDB Tutorial

From the course: MongoDB Cloud Essential Training

Implementing anonymous user authentication

- We have a very good Wazobia application so far, but we still have some features that we have not yet implemented. In this particular video, we're going to be focusing on the like feature. What I want us to do is to provide the user with an ability to click a like button, and have that particular site liked in the database, and then the counts will also increase. In order for us to do this, we're first going to need to authenticate the user into this application. And in order for us to do this, we're first going to need to authenticate the users into our application, and we're going to do this anonymously. So to begin, we're going to go head to the code first. So when we go to the code. The first thing we're going to look at is line nine on my code. This line number may be different than yours, but I want you to pay attention to the import statement to the JavaScript module that you did. This was for the realm web…
