From the course: MongoDB Cloud Essential Training

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Enabling email authentication

Enabling email authentication - MongoDB Tutorial

From the course: MongoDB Cloud Essential Training

Enabling email authentication

- So far in this course, we have enabled anonymous authentication, and we've kind of talked about what anonymous authentication means and what it allows us to do. In a typical application, you would probably need email and password authentication. This is the most popular way that users of most applications, if not all, authenticate to your application. They would normally provide an email address, password, you can reset this password, you can do a lot of things, right? This is pretty standard flow of authentication that we are used to. Now, in this particular step, we're going to enable email password authentication. So I'm just here, you can see, I have the realm, tap open. I'm just going to click on WAZOBIA, and if you're already there, you can just follow the steps along. We're going to go back to the authentications menu and select it. And in here, just like we did with anonymous authentication,…
