From the course: MongoDB Cloud Essential Training

Creating a cluster

- In this video, I'm going to finally show you how to create a cluster of your own. The MongoDB cluster environment is very important as this is the building block of any Atlas application or MongoDB cloud application that we create. So the first thing you're going to do is I want you to go to And when you head to, you should be able to see a button or call to action button. Like I have here that would say start free or try for free to create an account. If you don't already have one. Now I must warn you right now at the time of recording. This is the current design of the homepage. So at the time you watched this course, it's very likely that the design may have changed, or it might still be the same. However, the idea should still be the same. You should be able to find a call to action button that you can use to create a MongoDB cloud account. So I'm going to let you go ahead and create an account. In fact, why don't we just click start free for the current version of the MongoDB cloud interface. I'm just required to provide a work email and a password, or just sign up a Google. Now for the sake of this course, I've got to head to create a brand new MongoDB cloud account. And at some point, it's going to ask you to accept privacy policy. And you're just going to click accept and click submit. At some point after you create your account successfully, the MongoDB Atlas website will present you with an onboarding page that looks very similar to this. Now I must remind you, it is highly unlikely or it's not out of the world, that the design will be very different from what you see, but the idea should be the same. At first, you're going to need to name an organization for all your projects. With MongoDB Atlas, all your applications are packaged as part of an organization. So for us, let's just create our fake organization here. We're going to call it LinkedIn MongoDB. Next thing is, we're going to need to give a name to our project. In this case, I'm just going to name my project. WaZoBia Now, traditionally, this would be the name of a project you're working on. So you can already see the relationship between the project name and the organization. As part of an organization, MongoDB Atlas allows you to have as many projects as you desire. This way you're able to keep projects that specific to an organization within that organization settings. And you can also create as many organizations as you wish. Next thing is, this onboarding page is asking us to choose a specific type of language. We don't necessarily have to choose one. This is just useful because just in case you need to see some code samples, the code samples would be unique to the language you want to use. At this point in time, we don't really need this, but if we were going to choose, we would have just put JavaScript because we're going to be work with JavaScript. I'm just going to click continue. Now at this point in time, the MongoDB Atlas is presenting you some options on how to create my resources. This is where we create our cluster. Now you can already see, you could have dedicated ones serverless environment, or we're just going to go ahead with the shared one, which is free for us. So we're going to be just go create free. And this is going to show us a bunch of options. So at this point, I'm going to go ahead and explain to you some of the differences. Now, if we decided we could go ahead and choose dedicated serverless, but we've chosen, shared, because this is free and it should be free for you for the sake of this course. The first thing you're going to be asked is to choose a cloud provider. Now, the way MongoDB Atlas works is MongoDB Atlas itself does not have its own data centers yet. It relies on data cloud providers like Amazon, AWS, or Google cloud and Microsoft Azure for its data centers. Now, this is a very nifty option because MongoDB Atlas themselves did not need to go create this very expensive set of hardware or data centers around the world. Instead, they just leverage existing solutions. So in this case, you can decide to go with AWS, if you like, or Google cloud, if you like an Azure, if you like. So if I click AWS here, you can see north America. It shows me some of the regions. And by the way, if you do go to a paid version of the MongoDB Atlas solution, a premium version that is paid, you will have access to more or regions. For example, if you work in healthcare, which I do, we are required to have the data of our users stored in the same countries that those users exist. So for example, if I was creating an app in America, healthcare application, there are some laws that kind of require you to store your data somewhere in America. But in this case, we can just pick any data center and I'm not really fussed about which particular data provider you choose. I'm just going to go with the default one, AWS, I'm just going to see if I can actually have access to the UK. I don't. So I'm just going to go to AWS and just choose the closest thing, which is Ireland. And here you can see, you can click this. You can choose whatever data center you want. The next thing is, we're going to go to the cluster tear. So let's have a brief chat about this. This is basically a option for you to customize what tiers you want and how much resources that your application is going to use. For the sake of this course we're probably just going to leave it for the free forever, because we're not going to be needing a lot of resources, but you can have an idea for the pricing here. And by the way, this price is specific for the island data center that is hosted in Amazon. If I click Google cloud, those prices might change, but you can see they're still the same. So it just allows you to also play with pricing. If you would like, I'm just going to go back and select Ireland. And I'm just going to leave this here. And then we have like additional settings. So for example, you can turn on back hops if you want. You could decide to talk early on, but for the sandbox you can see, we don't have this option available. This is only available on a paid environment. And here you can also name your cluster. So this is just like a name that you can give your cluster. This is very important that you name it, something recognizable that you can remember because this cluster name cannot be changed as soon as you create this cluster. So we're just going to leave this cluster. I'm going to name it, Mongo course like that. This was just give a cluster a name of Mongo course. And now I'm just going to click create cluster. And we can see some stuff here. I'm just going to minimize this. It's asking us to create our database and add IP address. Now, at this point, I'm just going to walk you through what the cluster looks like, the environment briefly, so that we can know what we have here. You're presented with this dashboard here that kind of shows you what applications you have, what cluster you're working with, what settings those clusters have. And you can see extra settings that you can sort like change. You can try to reconfigure them. At this point in time, we're not going to do any reconfiguration, but you could kind of get the idea and you can also see here, you have the LinkedIn MongoDB organization. You can come back here and click the settings button to create multiple organizational, see details about your organization. If you want to enable two factor authentication and things like that. We're just going to go back there to the cluster homepage. And you can also see some things like triggers, data lake, Atlas, realm, charts. We're not going to talk about all these things. Right now, you just need to know that we have successfully created our first cluster. And with this cluster, we can go ahead and start creating server-side applications with MongoDB realm, which is the database as a service that MongoDB provides on top of MongoDB Atlas. I also want you to watch out for this particular part here, because when the cluster has been created, and been provisioned, there might be some extra information that we will see here. So when that fully configures, you might see some extra information here, depending on what time you watch this course or what the updates of the MongoDB course look like. So just before we call it a day, you can see that my cluster has finished provisioning and you can see there are some health information here, connections and all of that. Remember, this is a free version of the configuration for clusters that we are using. When you are on a paid version, there are extra things that you might have access to that you wouldn't have access to right now in this version. So you may not have access to certain things like this information about your data size and stuff like that. Or you may have more access to even richer information. You can already see MongoDB asking us to upgrade here for an enhanced experience. So with this done, we have created our cluster. We can now go ahead and start creating room applications in this cluster.
