From the course: MongoDB Cloud Essential Training

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Comment moderation using functions

Comment moderation using functions - MongoDB Tutorial

From the course: MongoDB Cloud Essential Training

Comment moderation using functions

- We've worked a lot with MongoDB and also implemented a lot of features with comments in this particular course. Now in this step, we're going to be learning how to do comment moderation, but the most important thing we're going to be learning is how to use MongoDB functions. If you look at your application, now you have a bunch of comments that you can just delete them as you like, and you can also update them if you wish to. However, there's one little problem, our application is not very PG at this point in time. This means I can pretty much type anything I want. So for example, I can type a word called Spurs, which is a team that I think is the worst football team in the history of football, but that's only a joke. I'm an Arsenal supporter so it is a huge rivalry. So if I was creating an app, I might be a little tribal and reject this particular word because maybe I find this particular word a little bit offensive.…
