From the course: Mixing and Sound Design: Multimode Filters

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Mixing with low-pass filters

Mixing with low-pass filters

- [Instructor] Let's talk about low-pass filters and how we can use them in mixing. So, one of the places I love to use low pass filters in mixing is on drums. So let's go to the snare, for example, it's actually a clap. (clapping sound) Okay, so we've got a fair bit of compression happening. I'm actually going to open up the UAD SSL channel just as an example of how to use, I like the legacy one, just as an example of how I would do this on a console. And again, this will work for any EQ that you have basically. You can recreate this, but also this would work for the Waves SSL, if you're a waves person. So I'm going to turn EQ on that's always great. And this is the low pass filter, now the knob is going up but we're bringing the cutoff frequency down if you look at the numbers here. So, in effect that can be really great for things like drums is adding a little bit of high-end EQ, a little boost and…
