From the course: Mixing and Sound Design: Multimode Filters

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Bandpass and hybrid filters

Bandpass and hybrid filters

- [Instructor] So we've talked about low and high-pass filters and different uses for them. But what happens when a low-pass and a high-pass filter are used on the same channel? Well, it's called a band-pass filter. Let me show you. So let's go over to this Juno sound. Or as my friends in Germany would call, the You Know sound. I actually think we should call it the You Know, because it's just so ubiquitous. It sounds good everywhere. It's like, which synthesizer do you want to use? You Know. So I'm going to instantiate a high pass filter here, but what happens if we bring a low-pass filter in and give it the same cutoff frequency or a similar one? We now have what's called a band-pass filter. And if we move the cutoff frequencies, then what we're going to do is only pass frequencies that are surrounding the cutoff frequency that we've chosen. Now, this is multiple filters, but in a real true band-pass filter, we wind up with…
