From the course: Microsoft Project Step by Step: Planning for Successful Project Management

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Check the plan after assigning resources

Check the plan after assigning resources

Assignment results may be analyzed with views and tables. Just to do something different, I'm going to use the dropdown under Gantt chart to navigate us to Task Usage. Well, what if you're having a meeting with the team and you're focused on a specific task and you want to discuss who's working on it? This is a great way to see everyone on that task and you can even see what hours they're scheduled on every day. What I love about this is it rolls up to the heading. Now, there is a reverse of this view where you could focus in on resources. Maybe I want to focus in on Sharon or Toby. Now, let me go to resource usage view and see how that's different. Here's Sharon and there's Toby. Now I can see the total of Sharon on my plan working for hours, but Toby actually has two tasks and needs to work 88 hours on the overall plan, and here's the individual assignments. Now, what you can do is you could be looking at a view and suddenly realize you need more information such as cost. What's the…
