From the course: Microsoft Project Management: Choose the Right Tool for the Job

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Working with Project Desktop standalone features, part 2

Working with Project Desktop standalone features, part 2

From the course: Microsoft Project Management: Choose the Right Tool for the Job

Working with Project Desktop standalone features, part 2

- [Instructor] Now we would also like to make sure that that template is available. So we're going to go to the enterprise tab in the new dialog box and make sure that that template is in fact available to anyone using the Microsoft project client. So if you're connected to project online, there's our new product schedule that's available now for all project managers. Now, sometimes people don't build all their schedules via the client like this. They want to build them in the browser. So I'm going to tab over to the browser window and I'm going to go to the project center. Sometimes you want to build a schedule from the browser side. So I've gone to the project center and under the project center, when I select more, there's no new product schedule in here. I want to add one into the enterprise project types. To do that, I'm going to go to the PWA settings page and select Enterprise Project Types. And I'll select…
