From the course: Microsoft Project Management: Choose the Right Tool for the Job

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The pros and cons of Project Online

The pros and cons of Project Online

- [Instructor] Project Online enhances our project management toolset to an enterprise level. However, this comes with additional setup. We should determine if the setup and limitations make this the one pick for our organization. 30,000 total projects per Web App site. 2,000 max project sites in any site collection. SharePoint sites are supported in classic mode. 450 max project fields and lookup tables. Excel reports no larger than 10 megabits cannot be refreshed. Changing domains is not supported. Period symbols in the naming convention of sites is also not supported. And changing User Principal Names after adding a user is also not supported. Great options for us to kind of think about as we continue to use the different toolsets. Now some of the pros that come with Project Online definitely make using this tool great. Scheduling engine is part of the tool. So when we're building out a schedule in our Project…
