From the course: Microsoft Project Management: Choose the Right Tool for the Job

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Getting started with Project for the web basics, part 2

Getting started with Project for the web basics, part 2

From the course: Microsoft Project Management: Choose the Right Tool for the Job

Getting started with Project for the web basics, part 2

- [Instructor] One of the other features that Project for the Web has is the ability to do roadmaps. So we're going to go back to the project home, and this time, under the dropdown for new project, we're going to select New Roadmap. We'll name our roadmap and call it the ERP Program, and we'll hit the close box. In this roadmap, we want to add in the sprints as well as some other work that's coming from Azure. So we're going to select Add Row, and then Connect to Project, and then, of course, we'll pick Project. We want to add in our sprint project, so that's the ERP Product Update project, so we'll click on that project. Once it loads, you can select Connect at the bottom, and when that's finished, you can add in sprint one by clicking on the checkboxes and sprint two by the checkbox there and press the Add button at the bottom. Once that's completed, you will see there's two sprints now added into the ERP Program…
