From the course: Microsoft Project Management: Choose the Right Tool for the Job

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Getting started with Planner basics

Getting started with Planner basics

- [Instructor] We need to manage a new product release and have some ad hoc work. Before using planner, I like to write down how I might want to manage the work buckets then what other labeling I might want to define the work by. In short, how do I envision managing this ad hoc work. In this slide, I can see that I've created buckets for proposed, working, waiting for review, at risk and on hold. And I also have some labels which we'll use later. I'm going to go to plan our hub now and create my new plan by clicking on the New Plan option. I'll type in product release and I want to have this available to everyone in the organization. So I'll change the default Private to Public. If you select Private, then only the members that you add will be able to see it. I also want to add in a description. So under the Options dropdown, I'll type in this plan is for our latest product release. Now you want to put in the…
