From the course: Microsoft Power Automate: Business Process Flows

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Viewing your data

Viewing your data

- [Instructor] So this might sound a little overly obvious, but we're using our BPF to help us with a business process. And that process is about capturing information so we can look at it and use it later, right? Okay, great. Now, where exactly do we go about looking at that information? See, this isn't really a dumb question because they don't make it super obvious where you can find it. It's not anywhere here in the flow itself. And we started back in Power Automate but there's nowhere here that we can see the information. What you actually have to do is you have to go back to Power Apps and start there. And even here there's a trick about doing it. You would think that you could go to data and tables and find the information. Well, unfortunately, it's not that easy, because if we go to Data and Tables and Emission certificate and click Data, there's no records found. So what do we need to do? What we need to do is…
