Dal corso: Microsoft Power Automate: Business Process Flows

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The Flow Designer screen

The Flow Designer screen

- [Instructor] Let's take a quick look at the BPF Designer screen. Now, I'm inside one of the sample BPFs that were populated automatically when I created my test environment. As you can see, this is completely different from the normal interface for Flows. We'll go much deeper in to these as we move through the demonstration. But for now, just know that the stages are the main phases of your complete process. Inside each stage are the individual steps that take place during that phase of the process. You can see these by clicking the Details down arrow. That opens the stage up. Now you can add stages or steps by dragging them over from the Designer panel. On the right hand side. And just dropping them where you want them to be. So if we wanted to put a Data Step here we would just take it and drag it over there. You can also click the plus symbol in the menu bar and select what you want from the drop down. When you…
