From the course: Microsoft Power Apps Essential Training: The Basics

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Add a control to a gallery

Add a control to a gallery

- [Instructor] My browse gallery gave me the ability to display data from three columns, three fields. But I actually would like to have some additional information here. I'd like to be able to note who reported this. So, I want to add more information to the gallery. I'm going to click on insert and I actually want to drop a text box into card one. Remember, if I select card one, I'm editing the cards. If I select anything else, then I'm setting my properties for my gallery. So, I'm going to insert a new text box to display information. So, I'm going to drop in a label and I put it right there. And it just grabbed another field for that and the field that it grabbed was install type geothermal. This actually happens to be a useful thing to display but I actually don't want install type. What I want is I want the name. And so if I do this item dot, it will bring up a list of all of my fields and the field that I want is…
