From the course: Microsoft Loop: AI-Enhanced Project Management and Note-Taking

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Share pages as Loop components

Share pages as Loop components

- [Instructor] In this video, we will see one last way to share Loop content, which combines the two different Microsoft Loop workflows into one. I'm in the Loop web application and I'm going to share one specific page. So on the left side, I need to make sure that I have selected the page that I want to share. Then I'll open the share menu near the top right. And from here I can share this page as a Loop component. That is similar to getting a page link because it's a way to share only this one page. But if I choose this option to share it as a Loop component, it will give me a link to the page that works as a Loop component. Now, I don't see the link, but it did copy that link to my clipboard. So I can just go over to another application and paste that link. So I'll go over to Microsoft Teams where I have a chat conversation. I'll click on the message field and use the keyboard shortcut to paste. If you're working on…
