From the course: Microsoft Identity and Access Administrator Associate (SC-300) Exam Tips

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Implement initial configuration of Entra ID (formerly Azure Active Directory)

Implement initial configuration of Entra ID (formerly Azure Active Directory)

From the course: Microsoft Identity and Access Administrator Associate (SC-300) Exam Tips

Implement initial configuration of Entra ID (formerly Azure Active Directory)

- So we're going to begin by looking at the initial configuration of Azure active directory. And I think the best way to explain these to you is simply to show these configuration tasks to you. So we'll switch over to the Azure portal. So I'm at for my KinetEco tenant. I'm going to click on Azure active directory and you'll be expected to know how to delegate permissions in your environment. So I'll go to roles and administrators on the menu here, and I see all of the built-in roles that are available for delegation, so I'll look at global administrator just as an example of one of those more common roles that we delegate to. And you see there's a description here. For any role, if you're not familiar with the permission to grant it to that role, you can click on the role and then on the description and here you will see a full description followed by a detailed list of role permission. And of course you can…
