From the course: Microsoft Entra ID for Administrators

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Implement multifactor authentication

Implement multifactor authentication

- [Instructor] Multifactor authentication is an umbrella term that defines the requirement for users to use multiple methods to represent their identity and confirm their identity. Multifactor authentication is a concept that's been around for many years within both the Active Directory world and the Azure Active Directory world. It is a technology that is used by many different organizations to secure the access to their resources and ensure that users have these multiple methods, some methods that are known, some methods that are physical in order to prove their identity. There's a number of methods that can be combined together, such as using your phone, your device, as well as using a password, using a text message, and a phone call using a hardware device that is built specifically for MFA in combination with your username and password. So using multiple methods of authentication, maybe that's two methods or three…
