Dans le cours : Microsoft Azure Security Technologies (AZ-500) Cert Prep: 1 Manage Identity and Access

About the Manage Identity and Access domain

- [Pete] Cybersecurity is a skillset very much in demand in the modern workplace, and demonstrating your competence on the Microsoft cybersecurity stack through certification with the AZ-500 exam is a great way to advance your career. There's no better way to ace an exam than to really learn how the features and concepts that will appear on that exam actually work, enabling you to reason your way through any scenario you encounter and that will be our focus in this course. We'll cover all of the skills tested, mentioned in the manage identity and access domain, the first domain of the AZ-500 exam through a mix of lecture and hands-on demo to ensure you're familiar with the key details. Hi, I'm Pete Zerger, consultant, speaker, author and Microsoft MVP and I'm excited to take this journey with you in the first of four exam prep courses for Microsoft's AZ-500 security exam here on LinkedIn Learning. So grab your gear and buckle up because we're about to take off.

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