From the course: Microsoft 365 Essential Training for Administrators

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Creating Data Subject Requests

Creating Data Subject Requests

- [Instructor] When working with security and data in your organization, one thing you might have to consider is working with GDPR, which is the General Data Protection Regulation. Under GDPR, personal data means any information relating to an identified or an identifiable natural person. A formal request by a person to their organization to take action on their personal data is called a data subject request or DSR for short. So let's take a look at how a DSR case is created. Here, in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal, over on the left-hand navigation menu, I want you to notice that even if I scroll down, there is nothing here about data subject requests. Even if I were to expand these menus, we would not find it anywhere. The place where we find it is in our home screen. If I scroll down, to a section that says the solutions catalog, where we can discover solutions for your compliance needs, and view all the…
