Del curso: Measuring Team Performance

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Building reports and dashboards

Building reports and dashboards

- A robust and easy to navigate reporting system is an enabler of performance management. But be careful. Reports can take on a life of their own and never go away. Rigorously manage your reporting function. Be judicious about adding metrics to dashboards. Those numbers can quickly get overwhelming, and any insights you could have end up drowning in the data. Before building a report, answer the five principles of measurement. Don't build anything until you can answer these questions. What is the measurement's purpose? What data source will you use? How will you calculate the measurement? How frequently will you measure? And who will review it? At one point, I took over a team that had the reporting function for our division. I asked the head of the team, "Can you get me a copy "of all the reports that we publish on a regular basis?" And his eyes got really big. He said, "You want all the reports?" I said, "Yeah, I want…
