From the course: MASSIVE: Digital Synthesis

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- Now the LFO and the Envelope are the two basic modulation signals that are used in Synthesis; however, one of my very favorites is the step sequencer and MASSIVE has a great one. A step sequencer very simply put, spit out a value at a rhythmic interval that you set. Well, what does that mean? We have these different cells and we can set levels by clicking and dragging. Let's say I hold down a note. You can see that it steps between those values. Let's start out with it on pitch. I'm gonna take it; I'm gonna drop it in the pitch modulation handle here. Let's give it a two octave range just for fun. (pitch modulated notes) Then we can turn it up really fast if we want. (fast pitch modulated notes) The cool thing here is that we can actually play two notes at a time and they'll be in the same place if we play them right at the same time. (fast high pitched notes) So as you can hear, if I hit the notes not quite at the same time, the stepper will be in two different places. (fast high…
