From the course: MASSIVE: Digital Synthesis

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- One of the audio sources that we haven't actually used yet is the noise generator. I love the noise generator. It's a really good friend of mine. He's a lot of fun. So let's go ahead and open him up. I'm gonna turn off Oscillator 1 and I'm gonna turn up the amplitude of the noise generator. The noise generator has basically three settings. First of all, we can choose our noise variety. We also have the Color knob, which is sort of like a Tone knob, although it kinda does a different thing than just change the tone. And then also we have our Amplitude knob, then we have our Filter Routing, which is the same as it is in all of the oscillators. So if I go ahead and I hit a key now, we're gonna hear that we're getting white noise. We've chosen the white noise here and I've actually just created a little sequence with one note that's being held down and repeated. So as we turn the Color knob, it darkens a little bit. White noise is equal power at all frequencies. We also have bright…
