From the course: MASSIVE: Digital Synthesis

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- Alright, we've done it. You've gotten to the bottom of things with Massive. Now it's time to put that knowledge to work. Remember what I said about side-chaining the macros? There are a lot of techniques in here that are gonna make the most sense to you if you arrive at them independently, and then remember that Massive actually does have the facility for doing those things. There are a lot of great things to experiment in Massive. There are lot of great new sounds to learn and understand and new tools to get your head around, and I really encourage you to try and find new musical context for some of the sounds that you're making. The beauty of electronic music is that there are no rules, and we can use whatever we want to create the emotional reaction in the listener that we're trying to get, whether it's hyping them up, cooling them down, making them cry, making them laugh. There are a lot of different context for these things, and that's why it's so great to have instruments like…
