From the course: MASSIVE: Digital Synthesis

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Macro control, part two: Knobs

Macro control, part two: Knobs - MASSIVE Tutorial

From the course: MASSIVE: Digital Synthesis

Macro control, part two: Knobs

- So we've macro controllers that are coming from our keyboard and information that we get based on notes that we're playing and our position on the keyboard. But what I also would like to work with are another type of macro that is actually a lot of fun. And these are these knobs that you see at the bottom right labeled one through eight. Now, on the initial patch that you open with Massive, sometimes you're gonna find that it actually does have a vibrato built-in. And that's often going to be already wired to react to your modulation wheel. So if I move my model wheel, you can see that I'm moving macro number one. And macro number one is often connected to our vibrato here. So we connect these macro controllers just like we do anything else with the modulation handles. We set ranges just like with everything else. The cool thing is that these are just basically knobs. So instead of Medi-learning, all of these individual parameters, what we can do is take these knobs, these…
