From the course: MASSIVE: Digital Synthesis

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Macro control, part one: Incoming midi

Macro control, part one: Incoming midi - MASSIVE Tutorial

From the course: MASSIVE: Digital Synthesis

Macro control, part one: Incoming midi

- [Voiceover] So far we've been using some pretty basic MIDI control of our synthesizer patches in MASSIVE. What I wanna do now is add some extra dimension to these sounds and make them a little bit more expressive by adding some simple yet really effective MIDI control. I'm gonna go over to this key sound here, and we haven't done much with that in a while. Let's open up MASSIVE. Let's take a listen to this sound. (electronic music) Okay that's working really well for me I like it, it's fun. We already have a bit of Velocity control happening, if you recall, through Envelope number one. I'd like to add a little bit more Velocity control using some Macros. The word macro comes from thinking about the big picture so when we use Macro Control in MASSIVE what we are basically referring to is the idea that we can control multiple things with just one signal. So down on our Macro Control here on the bottom right we have four Macro Controllers that actually come out of the keyboard. So the…
