From the course: Marketing Foundations: Ecommerce

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Navigating free traffic in ecommerce

Navigating free traffic in ecommerce

From the course: Marketing Foundations: Ecommerce

Navigating free traffic in ecommerce

- [Instructor] Free traffic is a great way to drive new visitors to your website consistently. It can also ensure that your website visitors come to your website passively after you have built your free traffic sources effectively. The most common forms of free traffic include: SEO or search engine optimization, social media and YouTube. SEO is the ability to rank your website in the major search engines. This is great because if you are able to rank for the first page of Google for keywords that relate to the product you are selling, this is likely to drive traffic consistently to your website. Ranking in Google is not easy. There are a few factors that majorly impact the success of your website in Google. These include your website authority, your usability, your overall experience that website visitors have on your website, and the keyword relevancy. There are a few things that you can do to improve your website's…
