From the course: Marketing Foundations: Ecommerce

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Influencer marketing for ecommerce

Influencer marketing for ecommerce

From the course: Marketing Foundations: Ecommerce

Influencer marketing for ecommerce

- Influencer marketing is a great opportunity for you to gain exposure to a completely new audience. The right influencer would have nurtured their audience, making them a lot more likely to make a purchase as per the influencers' recommendations. This being said, you want to make sure that you're working with niche related influences. Now niche related influences are much more likely to have less followers than more of a broad influencer. So why on earth would you want to work with a niche influencer? Well, a niche influencer focuses specifically on a certain demographic, and if your target clients fit that demographic, then it's highly likely that your influencer marketing will convert a lot better working with that niche audience. It's not all about vanity metrics when it comes to influencer marketing. You want to really study an influencers audience. How engaged are they? Are they leaving comments? Are they liking?…
