From the course: Mapping the Modern Web Design Process

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Content modeling

Content modeling

- Once the content audit is complete, you'll have a clearer picture of what types of content will be presented on the site. Looking at the page assets, you can now start identifying different types of pages, and from there, establish discrete content models. It's easier to see how this works with a practical example. So let's say we're building a site for a food services business called Eat. The company provides various services, including catering, cooking classes, a chef at home service, and a restaurant. To promote all these services and build awareness of the company, the website will have several different types of content, standard pages, including landing page, an about page, contact page, legal information, and so on, a services section with an index and separate landing pages for each service, a recipe section where the owner publishes free recipes and cooking tips, a blog with customer stories and promotions…
