From the course: Managing Your Personal Finances

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Understanding why you spend (sometimes too much)

Understanding why you spend (sometimes too much)

From the course: Managing Your Personal Finances

Understanding why you spend (sometimes too much)

- In the words of Will Rogers, "Too many people spend money they earned "to buy things they don't want "to impress people they don't like." Seeing a shiny new car in your driveway might make you feel great, but is it really the best thing for your long-term financial success? Humans are hardwired to compare themselves to others. It helped us get through much tougher times when trying to catch up to others in the community meant survival. Today, this hard-wiring manifests itself in the syndrome known as Keeping Up With The Jones's. You need to spend money for shelter, food, clothing and paying down debt, but on top of that, a lot of our spending falls into the discretionary bucket. So how can you be a more conscious spender? First, understand how to bucket your expenses? Look at your after-tax income and categorize into household spending, including fixed and variable expenses, discretionary spending, debt reduction, and…
