From the course: Managing Your Emotions at Work

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Managing unpleasant emotions with felt resources

Managing unpleasant emotions with felt resources

From the course: Managing Your Emotions at Work

Managing unpleasant emotions with felt resources

- Think of a time in the last few weeks when you were emotionally activated at work. Maybe you felt angry when a coworker dismissed one of your ideas, or maybe you felt disappointed about a conversation you'd had with a loved one the night before. When you think back to that time, notice if it felt like the emotion was all you were aware of and it made it hard to focus or stay calm, or maybe you remember feeling kind of numb and shut down, or maybe you found yourself acting out or saying something you wish you hadn't. That's what it means to be emotionally activated. It feels like the unpleasant emotion takes over and becomes your whole experience, or it sets off a stress response in your nervous system and dictates how you behave. Okay, I'm aware that I just asked you to think about a time when you felt emotionally activated, so it might be useful right now to shake it off a little bit and reset yourself. This shaking…
