コース: Managing Your Emotions at Work



Action-oriented practices for managing your emotions

Action-oriented practices for managing your emotions

- Are you someone who takes a few deep breaths when you want to calm yourself down? If so, and it works for you, that's great. For a lot of people though, trying to take a few deep breaths doesn't make them feel better. In fact, deep breathing is not traditionally considered a felt resource because it can seem so unavailable when it's most needed. Similarly, you might find that trying to focus on feeling your feet or your center might not work for you. If so, that's okay. Some of us benefit more from resources that are a little more active or externally focused. Here's the thing, when it comes to a felt resource it doesn't matter what you do, it matters that it's purposeful and it's pleasant. You know it's a felt resource if you've chosen to do it and that there's something about doing it that soothes you or makes you feel better in the present moment. For example, tapping your foot on the floor may seem like you're…
