From the course: Managing Projects with Microsoft Teams

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Facilitating a Teams meeting

Facilitating a Teams meeting

- [Instructor] When you're getting ready to facilitate a team's meeting, I recommend that you do a bit of setup prior to the meeting start time. And we're going to start right here where we're viewing the meeting details in the team's calendar to do that. So to the right of the details tab, there will be some other tabs. I'm going to have to select plus four to get to some of those. And the first thing we're going to set up is the meeting whiteboard. Now this meeting whiteboard is being provided by the app called Microsoft Whiteboard, that's part of Microsoft 365. If you're not familiar with this, you may not have other whiteboards here that you've already created, right? If you're completely new to it, you may just have new whiteboard. So if you do have other whiteboards that you've created and you want to use those in a meeting, you can select it from here. We're going to start with new whiteboard and it gives you a blank canvas to get started. And then you have a toolbar here at…
