From the course: Managing a Cross-Functional Team

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When to use a cross-functional team

When to use a cross-functional team

From the course: Managing a Cross-Functional Team

When to use a cross-functional team

- Cross-functional teams should be built when a project has a defined scope, that scope impacts multiple functional areas and when the expertise required to successfully complete the project is not available only in the group leading the project. Scope determines which functions are or are not impacted. Without a clearly defined scope statement, it's going to be hard to gather resources since people can claim they have higher priorities and their area isn't in scope. With a well-defined scope, it becomes clear whether or not you need a cross-functional team. If the scope calls for skills your team lacks or requires working with other groups, you're going to have to build a cross-functional team. It's rare for a team to have all the support functions and perspectives it needs for every project it works on. Let's take a look at a couple of examples. I was working on a major technology replacement. This required technology changes. It had telephony impacts. This project was going to…
