From the course: Logo Development: Identity Development

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- Unless my name is UPS, I'm willing to bet you'd council me with sage advice not to identify my new delivery service using a shield-shaped logo on a big, brown van. And aside from avoiding subpoenas for infringement, there's a good reason to avoid using Magenta in mobile communications or a Tiffany blue box in the jewelry field. Hucksters and charlatans may like preying on the unaware, but as a brand expert you're expected to help your client differentiate. And only by being intimately aware of the competition. Can you help your client leverage their position to the best advantage? Likely, your clients will be familiar with all of their substantive competitors. I usually acquire examples of each of the competitors' logos or other pertinent visuals for reference. These materials tell me a great deal about how they present themselves to the market. It informs me in considering what works for them and why. Does their reputation align with their visual aesthetic or not? But, most of all,…
