From the course: Logo Design: Techniques

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More squares

More squares

- [Instructor] As an addendum to the previous movie on squares I wanted to say few words about live corners. So here we have a square. But that square can have rounded corners. So how do we round the corners? Chose your direct selection tool, select the shape, you'll see the corner widget. If you don't see it, from the View menu it is right here. So we can move that out or we can move it in. Which of course, begs the question, how do you affect just one of the corners? And for this you will need to select it with the main selection tool, the black arrow, and then come to your shape options. And you have a Make All Settings the Same icon. That need to be broken so that you can affect one side differently to the rest. If I were now to turn it on, I'm maintaining the current relationship of the four corners. So we can get some interesting effects just by working on the different corners. So here, I've rounded the top two. Here three corners rounded. And almost becomes a speech bubble…
