From the course: Logic Pro X: Virtual Instruments

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- [Voiceover] Now let's talk about the Sequencer. There's so much cool stuff that we can use the Sequencer for, and it's also not going to feel too different from the Arpeggiator. Let's go ahead back to the default setting here. (synth sounds) 'Cause what I'd like to do is assign the Sequencer to modulate something. It already has a few things going on. Let's assign it to modulate something. Let me go ahead an start to pull these down. One of the things that's really handy here that I'd like to point out is the Show Target button. Now what this is is basically a central menu that allows you to look at what is modulating what, so that you can start to make sense of some of what's going on, especially if you're working on these presets here. So I'm going to go over to LFO, for example, and I can see where all of the different LFOs are being assigned and modulating. Same with AAHDSR, same with Sequencer. So Sequencer 1 is modulating Master Volume, and that's what we're looking at right…
