From the course: Logic Pro X: Virtual Instruments

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ES2: Modulation tweaking and routing

ES2: Modulation tweaking and routing - Logic Pro Tutorial

From the course: Logic Pro X: Virtual Instruments

ES2: Modulation tweaking and routing

- [Instructor] So, the modulation possibilities in ES2 are really, really cool and this is really what makes this whole thing very, very special. To start off with we have a pretty simple modulation router, the likes of which we've seen in the past. So, we've got our source, we've got our via and then we've got our target. Up until now we've been using envelope two to modulate cut off one and two. That makes enough sense for me. Let's push it over to parallel and let's just use a straight up (note reverberates) low pass. (note reverberates) There we go. Well, we can do a couple of other things with these particular envelopes. Now, first of all, we have an overall time that we can change based on velocity. So, if I hit it softly (note reverberates) I can get a longer attack versus if I hit it quickly. That's kind of fancy. The other thing that we can do is we can actually have a sustained segment that moves into a couple of different places, okay. So, this is a little bit out of the…
