From the course: Logic Pro X: Virtual Instruments

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DKD: Advanced functions

DKD: Advanced functions

- [Instructor] Okay so now what I want to take a look at are called producer kits. And these are essentially other downloads that you can do as we discussed earlier with the sampler instruments and so forth. These are additional content a lot of the time. And they have some really cool things going for them. First of all, some of them have different sounds. This is the Tight Maple Kit. (jazzy drum beats) So I can go check out a different snare drum if I want. (thumping drum beats) Aside from having some different drums to choose from, the producer kits also have advanced parameters here. So what I could do, for example, is let's go ahead and check out our snare drum and we have some extra parameters down at the bottom. So aside from having some different snares to work with, and we can always download additional content at the expense of hard drive space, we can work with some of these different parameters that would come up, were we recording a real drum kit. So for example, we have…
