From the course: Live Sound Engineering Techniques: On Tour with Rush

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Triggering offstage samples with MIDI pedals

Triggering offstage samples with MIDI pedals

During the course of the show, you'll notice that my band members, while they're playing their guitar and their bass and singing, and there's points where Getty is playing keyboards, they're also doing something with their feet. They're playing samples with their feet. They have taken old Taurus pedals and had them modified to send out a midi note instead of an audio note. So the midi note comes over to these racks. These racks take all the midi in off of the stage, distribute it to where it needs to go, and it hits these laptop computers. The laptops then go down to a motu interface, which sends me a total of 10 channels of keyboards. So during the songs, while they're playing bass or guitar, they'll also be playing samples with their feet.
