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Achieving even sound coverage in a large arena and adjusting for pockets of frequency buildup

Achieving even sound coverage in a large arena and adjusting for pockets of frequency buildup

Daripada kursus: Live Sound Engineering Techniques: On Tour with Rush

Achieving even sound coverage in a large arena and adjusting for pockets of frequency buildup

So right now it's loud in this room with the music playing because the system engineer is walking around the room at critical points to make sure that there's an even coverage of the PA. He'll start down lower in the bowl, on the floor, he'll work his way up the seats, all the way around, then he'll go upstairs and walk all the way around to ensure even coverage. If he needs to turn up a high end here or turn down a mid range there, or turn up a low end here or there, that's what he's doing with a he has a computer tablet that is talking back to the PA system, and he can control it all that way. The main computer that's operating the PA system never moves. It's not even using processing to control the PA. It is merely controlling the system amplifiers and crossovers. That computer never comes unplugged, it never moves around. He's using a VNC controller on a separate laptop to walk around the room and it talks back to the original, what we call the main computer, or the primary. So…
