From the course: Live Looping with Ableton Live


- [Instructor] Are you a performer who has always been intrigued by the concept of live looping but didn't know where to start? If you think it's exciting to reveal the inner workings of musical performance in front of an audience, then finding the workflow that best suits your musical personality is a crucial piece of the puzzle. The wow factor of live looping is fully reliant on overcoming the limitations of your gear and pushing the boundaries. I'll present lots of ideas and strategies to get your technical side to meet the needs of your creative side. Our goal will be to bring together the simplicity of classic looping pedals and the flexibility offered by Ableton Live. We'll explore ways to have hands-on control of your live looping process and have your software help you be free in the moment. I'll pair Ableton Live and ClyphX Pro examples with real-time looping performances using the sets I've just built. I'm a lifelong musician who has traveled the world and performed in front of large, live, and TV audiences. Working in Ableton Live to find technical solutions to real-world musical challenges has been a particular focus of mine. And I would love to share with you some of the techniques I've found exciting. Please join me in my LinkedIn learning course and learn how to use Ableton Live for live looping.
