From the course: Live Looping with Ableton Live

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Using multiple controllers for looping

Using multiple controllers for looping - Ableton Live Tutorial

From the course: Live Looping with Ableton Live

Using multiple controllers for looping

- [Narrator] So far we've just been using one controller but it's pretty easy to expand the set up to include additional controllers as needed. We want to do while keeping the really intuitive one pedal looping and layering operation. Let's add a new MIDI track using cmd or ctrl + shift + t. I'll put a couple of new instruments here the same way we did with the first track. Open up the key zone editor and adjust the zone ranges. I should name these tracks. By the way, for an in-depth look at setting up nested instrument racks for live performance, check out my other LinkedIn learning course called performing with Ableton Live: On Stage with St. Vincent. It covers a lot of ground on building a full-featured set for live performance. Now let's set the second controller as the track input. We want both tracks to be record enabled but there's a setting in preferences that we should check first. Cmd or Ctrl + comma to open preferences, record warp launch, exclusive arm. Unchecking this…
