From the course: Live Looping with Ableton Live

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Multisection variable tempo looping

Multisection variable tempo looping - Ableton Live Tutorial

From the course: Live Looping with Ableton Live

Multisection variable tempo looping

- [Instructor] In this example, I wanted to be able to create a looping performance with three distinct sections. And for each of the sections to have its own tempo. I also wanted an ability to both record and play them back in any order with seamless transitions, and finally I didn't want to rely on KLIK to do it. Let's jump right in. The set we're building includes six instruments, two audio and four midi. They are arranged in groups of three tracks, one track for each of the three song sections and each track has a looper, 18 total. I'd like to use a single pedal to start and stop recording in all the loopers that I need in any given section. I've already mapped all of their multifunction transport buttons to the pedal, so now we need to find a way to not have them all record all the time. We'll do that by deactivating any loopers that aren't being used in the current section. I'll start with the first group of audio tracks. Grab an audio dummy clip, set it to be one bar long, and…
