From the course: Live Looping with Ableton Live

Create loops with multiple instruments - Ableton Live Tutorial

From the course: Live Looping with Ableton Live

Create loops with multiple instruments

- [Narrator] Let's continue with our minimalist one-slot one-pedal setup. It would be nice to expand our sonic palette and layer parts with different instruments. We can do that by splitting the keyboard into a few zones with each zone dedicated to its own instrument. I'll pull a precept into the track, select it, use CMD or CTRL G to group it and unfold it so we can see the channel list. Now we can put a couple more sounds in this instrument rack. Open the key zone editor and adjust the ranges. We'll start with the middle one. Here's a somewhat obscure trick, by the way, on your controller, hold the bottom and top keys of the range, and double click on the zone. Now the other two sounds: the bottom and the top. This sound has a delay which is synced to a live tempo. Of course we're ignoring live tempo in this scenario so if you still want to have your delayed beat in time with the loop, try this: assign a control to tap tempo, press CMD or CTRL M for MIDI mappings, select tap tempo, and map the control. And I previously assigned my pedal to the session record button. Just click to access. Now your delays will be synced to whatever tempo you tap in. [Tapping] Since we're looping manually, the delay won't always line up perfectly with the loop but of course, imperfect can be wonderful. We're so old school here. Let's try it. [Tapping] [Example Keyboard Music]
