From the course: Live Looping with Ableton Live

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Adding song sections

Adding song sections

- Many looping performances rely on a single repeating phrase to build an entire song. It's the classic way. But it would be great to be able to extend the song form, create additional sections, and then be able to switch between them as the song progresses, sounds like fun. We're starting with a little set that's set up for two songs, and we'll work on expanding the first one. I'll create an additional scene just below using command or control + i. Our second section will go into this new scene, but we won't be able to record the clips in the same tracks, here's why. We're using the session record button to start and stop recording, and even though it normally starts recording in an empty slot of any armed track in the selected scene, like this one, it won't do it if there's another clip currently playing in the same track. In fact, if it's a MIDI clip, which we will have in this slot, it'll start recording into it again. Since we will likely still have playing clips in the previous…
