From the course: Learning Word 2021

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Add and format images

Add and format images

- [Instructor] In this video, we'll see how to add pictures to a document and format those pictures. First, I'm going to place my cursor where I want that picture to be. So I'll place it at the beginning of this line. Then I'll go to the Insert ribbon, and open this Pictures menu. The Stock Images option gives you a collection of pictures that you can use. But for now, I want to use one of my own pictures. If you're working on Windows, you should choose the option that says This Device. Or on a Mac, that option will be Picture from File. So I'll select that. And then I'll navigate to the folder where I have the picture that I want to use, select the picture, then click Insert. Okay, so I've inserted the picture. But next, you're probably going to want to format the picture. And just like with text, you have to select the picture first. Now, you know a picture is selected when you see these circles on the corners…
