From the course: Learning TouchDesigner

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Organizing with containers

Organizing with containers - TouchDesigner Tutorial

From the course: Learning TouchDesigner

Organizing with containers

- [Instructor] So we've built our 3-D test scene here with our PBR lighting. And one thing that we want to do right off the bat, is to make sure that we don't get in any sort of like crazy network sprawl. And I am a big fan of keeping this stuff as organized and containerized as possible. And this is very very useful, especially because once you start to get complex networks, just having nodes of different kinds and different systems all over the place, can get very disorganized, and can lead to a lot of confusion in your project. And by containerizing things up, it also allows us to build modular components that we can share between projects really easily, so we can keep reusing our work. First thing I'm going to do, let's look at our lighting. So we have these four directional lights that we made, and we have our environment light with it's associated environment map down here. First thing I'm going to do is I'm going to hit Tab, go to my components, and make a container. And I'm…
