From the course: Learning TouchDesigner

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Node basics - TOP

Node basics - TOP

- [Instructor] We start again with a blank project. I'm going to go into project one, hit the I key, hit tab, and we want to go over to TOPs. And the TOPs are texture operators, which is everything that has to do with processing imagery. So, this is how we bring movies or still images into TouchDesigner, and then transform or process them in different ways and filter them, and then get them back out. So what I'm going to start with is a movie file, and so I'm going to type M-O-V-I and you can see everything gets grayed out except movie file in and out, let's bring that in, and by default Touch is linking us to this picture of a banana. All right, so what we're going to do is I'm going to go to the desktop, go to our exercise files folder, chapter one, TouchDesigner, tex, and you can see we have this shape1.jpg and we're going to load that in. All right, so if we middle mouse click, you can see we have a 512 by 512 square little image file here. All right, so we've brought an image in…
